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What is the winged life?

So why did I choose as the name for my website? And what is the winged life anyway? Perhaps the clearest answer to the latter question came to me in a nested meditation I wrote for Divinity in Disguise:

A pious caterpillar believes.

A pious caterpillar believes,

an enlightened caterpillar knows.

A pious caterpillar believes,

an enlightened caterpillar knows

the winged life.

A pious caterpillar believes,

an enlightened caterpillar knows

the winged life

requires metamorphosis.

copyright 2003 by Kevin Anderson

In the life cycle of a moth or butterfly, a metamorphosis is a singular event. In the spiritual life, however, we need metamorphoses daily or even multiple times each day. Every time we regress back to what I call the "munch and crawl" of caterpillar consciousness, we need to recognize that the small self is back in control. For me, this is what daily meditation is all about: realizing that the soaring energies of the Great Self are accessible to me even as the small self munches away at the day.

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