Welcome to TheWingedLife.com,
the website of Toledo, Ohio
psychologist, marriage counselor,
author, and speaker
Kevin Anderson, Ph.D.
(419) 785-8645

Kevin Anderson, Ph.D.
In his over three decades as a licensed psychologist, Kevin has counseled thousands of couples and individuals struggling with finding meaning in the challenges inherent in love and life. Though he now sees fewer people each day than early in his career, his love of the work continues to grow. He considers it a privilege to work with each person who consults him.
Finding his passion for psychology was not easy or automatic. He began his undergraduate education in engineering but decided after two years to enter the seminary. After leaving the Jesuit novitiate, he completed a B.S. in mathematics. Before his doctoral training in psychology, he completed a year-long individual study of the great books of philosophy with James Bacik, PhD, a theologian and campus minister who became a mentor.
Kevin's interest in poetic writing first appeared in brief journal entries written between classes in calculus, thermodynamics, or abstract algebra. Divinity in Disguise, his first collection of nested meditations, was named one of the best spiritual books of 2003 by Spirituality & Health magazine. His poetry has appeared in National Catholic Reporter and Mothers at Home. He was a finalist for Ohio Poet Laureate in 2020. His feature articles have been published in Spirituality & Health and Psychotherapy Networker. He writes a column about the interface of psychotherapy and spirituality called "The Soul of Therapy" for Spirituality & Health. (Some of those articles can be accessed here.)
The “Divinity in Disguise” column he wrote for the Catholic Chronicle for twelve years received a Catholic Press Association award. He and James Bacik co-authored A Light Unto Our Path: Crafting Effective Homilies (2006) which also received a Catholic Press Association award. Kevin's other books include Now is Where God Lives, Noble Nature, The Inconceivable Surprise of Living, and The 7 Spiritual Practices of Marriage.
An entertaining presenter who uses humor, creative imagery, and storytelling to engage audiences, Kevin has spoken about marriage, compassionate healthcare, and the spirituality of daily life throughout the United States.
All of Kevin's work is intended to encourage a transformation from what he calls a caterpillar consciousness to the winged life. This is expressed in one of the nested meditations in Divinity in Disguise:
A pious caterpillar believes.
A pious caterpillar believes,
an enlightened caterpillar knows.
A pious caterpillar believes,
an enlightened caterpillar knows
the winged life.
A pious caterpillar believes,
an enlightened caterpillar
knows the winged life
requires metamorphosis.
copyright 2003 by Kevin Anderson