Welcome to TheWingedLife.com,
the website of Toledo, Ohio
psychologist, marriage counselor,
author, and speaker
Kevin Anderson, Ph.D.
(419) 785-8645
Kevin Anderson, Ph.D. is a psychologist, marriage counselor, author, and speaker. Dr. Anderson works with individuals and couples experiencing stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, career confusion, sexual problems, and many other problems of living. He is the former Executive Director of a large mental health center for children, adolescents, and families in Toledo. He has been in the private practice of psychology since 1991. Dr. Anderson is known for combining a thorough understanding of the scientific basis of psychotherapy with a spiritual perspective that is applicable to people of any spiritual tradition or to those who have no spiritual tradition or practice.
To get started, feel free to call Dr. Anderson at (419) 785-8645. If you get voicemail, he will return your call as soon as possible.
If you sign up, you will receive periodic reflections by Kevin to support your personal and spiritual growth. You can unsubscribe at any time and your email address will never be shared or sold.
"Reading Kevin Anderson's work makes my heart soar—my truest criterion for having encountered wisdom. Anderson magnifies that magical point where mind, spirit, and nature intersect. The result is inspiration, meaning, hope, and sheer delight."
—Larry Dossey, MD, author of The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things, Reinventing Medicine, and One Mind.
"Kevin Anderson puts together what needs to be put together—prepared mind, compassionate heart, and observant eyes! His mastery in joining these essentials points us confidently toward the Ultimate, which is always good!"
—Richard Rohr, author of What the Mystics Know, The Naked Now, and Everything Belongs.